Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Emancipation of Cuban Rumba

The Emancipation of Cuban Rumba

Cuba, the origin of the Salsa movement is back with a lot of fire.
The documentary about Afro-Cuban culture.
How it started, how it is conserved and how it is lived today.

Rumba celebrates life through singing, dancing and drumming. It is a "festival of sound and movement" created through the unison of different cultures, traditions and art forms. It is a mirror that reflects the social, political, religious, and economic conditions surrounding those who create, play, and dance rumba. Rumba evolved from many different musical influences, emerging as a mixture of Afro-Cuban traditions and a diverse, rapidly changing, and extremely expressive culture. It has, and continues to have, a dramatic impact on music today, and is especially recognizable in the extremely popular offshoot known as salsa.

There are three main types of rumba that dominate today - yambu, guaguanco, and columbia. Each descended from the ancestral music and dance brought to Cuba from Africa.
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